Syensqo: Tackling Climate Change

Climate change is a global emergency that’s affecting everyone – every individual, community, country and organisation. It’s therefore absolutely vital that we all continue to work together to collectively reduce our environmental impact as much as possible. 

Many organisations are already working hard to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, and for personal care formulators to achieve this goal they need to review each product’s entire lifecycle: looking at how their ingredients are sourced, how the product is manufactured and distributed, how it’s used by the consumer and finally how it’s disposed. 

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Velsan SC from Clariant

Preservatives are essential for cosmetic formulations – they help to ensure harmful microbes are kept at bay – but with consumers demanding greener products and synthetic preservatives coming under more and more scrutiny, how can you reduce concentration levels without affecting protection and efficacy? Clariant’s Velsan SC has the answer!

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Formulating for Soluble Packaging

Reducing our plastic usage and plastic waste is essential for the climate. Yes, plastic is a fascinating and useful material, which certainly has a place in our future, but it should be a considered future – limited to essential uses and carefully planned to ensure recyclability.Continue reading